Dropshipping is a method of shipping and delivering retail orders in which it is not necessary for the shop to have the products it sells in stock. Instead, when the shop sells a product, it buys it from a third party and has it shipped directly to the customer.
We advise you to create your own online shop, without intermediaries, and manage it:
-You buy at a lower cost and therefore get a higher margin on each sale.
-By dealing directly with the brand, you will be able to obtain more additional product information, so that the content of your shop is unique and differentiates it from the rest of the competitors. In addition, If you have any questions, please contact the manufacturer directly and you will be able to solve the incidents in a faster way.
– By creating your own website you can customize the design of the ecommerce with the corporate image you want and it will be easier for you to implement a good SEO on page.
– Therefore the web positioning is easier and you can make your products or categories come out on top of the search engines.
– You can also see if there are any on the dropshipping lists provided by some companies such as Coodex o Ecommfans.
1 Printful https://www.printful.com
2 YouBar https://www.youbars.com/wholesale/
3 Socios de ASI https://www.asipartner.com/
4 AZ Importer http://azimporter.com/