It is a brief interview or presentation of no more than 3 minutes where you have to explain the most important of a company to a client, investor or simply as a presentation. It can be compared with a procedure for attracting attention in any area, such as an interview, a sale, etc. You must be direct, concrete, transmit passion.

We live in an immediate society. You never know where and when you will have the opportunity to present your company, especially if you are looking for investment, as happens these days with a certain frequency to a multitude of entrepreneurs. Under these circumstances, you will never really know when and under what circumstances you might find a person interested in investing in your company.

The ‘elevator pitch’ are not only important to attract investment. If you are looking for collaborators or potential clients, having a brief commercial speech well learned will give you many options to be able to offer your services or those of your company at any time in a clear way.

For this reason it is extremely important to have a well-structured and learned elevator pitch discourse in order to capture the attention of your interlocutor in a few minutes.

Here are some tips to be able to structure a good ‘elevator pitch’:

Answer the most obvious entry questions. 1) Who you are and what experience you have; 2) What do you do? 3) What do you need your company to be successful; 4) What clients, market and what possible outputs are there, both for you and for a potential investor.

      1. The mission. Think that the objective of those minutes is not to sell, but to get attention or, in other words, to provoke in your interlocutor a feeling of “I want to know more”.
      2. Data. Do not enter into details of figures. Give only small brushstrokes of volumes that achieve interest. Many of these opportunities are informal meetings. Do not intend to turn them into work meetings.
      3. Be very brief The objective is to incite curiosity, leaving the investor with honey on his lips to provoke a future future encounter. Do not try to convert the ‘elevator pitch’ into a meeting, nor try to do it. Even if your interlocutor invites you at that time, check it at a different time in order to prepare and have documentation. The latter is very important and will reflect control of the situation.
      4. Practice the conversation. Many entrepreneurs consider it ridiculous or unnecessary, but it is important. Think that, although what you have to say is obvious to you, since you know the project, for your interlocutor may not be. Skipping certain parts is often critical. Always carry business cards on top. But just take them out at the end of the conversation, that their reading does not distract your attention.
      5. Do not tire the listener. Maybe it is your ideal investor but, if you are a professional investor, you will have seen several projects that same day. That you do not want to keep going does not necessarily mean that you do not believe or that you do not like it. Maybe it’s because you’ve seen other proposals on those dates that capture your interest more. Be aware that pockets are limited
      6. Be coherent Handles few numbers and do not pretend to make them up to make them too attractive. There is nothing worse than a person you just met, it seems exaggerated, or detect overcommitment. Investors appreciate people who know how to say no, or their limitations.
      7. Let’s be pacient. Do not chase the investor trying to force a later encounter. If you have done your job well, he will suggest it. Do not insist. It depends on capturing your attention, and he will suggest a formal meeting if it has really been that way. If it is not, you should ask yourself if it was the ideal interlocutor and / or if your speech was sufficiently attractive.
      8. Position yourself Make clear who you are and what you are capable of. There are many people who, when positioning themselves, want to make such a good impression and explain too many things, and very different from each other. The investor can see them scattered and lose their interest. It is not the moment of the details.
      9. Make clear comparisons. For example: we are the whatsapp of insurance. With that you focus the idea and associate something very known to your business. That phrase will always be remembered.
      10. Knowledge. Do not do an ‘elevator pitch’ if you only look for financing with like-minded investors. If an investor invests in the internet, and you have an agricultural machinery company, you show him that you have not done your homework and that you waste time. When an investor sees dozens of projects a month, the latter is truly frustrating.
      11. Show passion Believe me if I assure you that I have rarely seen it. When an entrepreneur passionately explains his project and makes it clear in 5 minutes that his life is that company, he has many more chances of success.
      12. Do not leave anything to chance. There is nothing more frightening for an investor than to verify that he is capable of questioning the information of the entrepreneur or of adding an important nuance in his speech that he seems to disregard. In those moments you lose chances to have later meetings. The entrepreneur demonstrates that he has not worked sufficiently on his project.
      13. If the opportunity does not come, create it. If you are clear about who and where you want to do an ‘elevator pitch’, that is the occasion. Be aware that in investment forums and meetings you can find investors, but they will be very much in demand and it will be difficult for you to get their attention. Create moments that are less obvious.

Example of Elevator Picht

Start with a surprising question or statement
We make furniture to enjoy and feel. Do you need a table?

Who you are
We are MIMARCA. We are furniture manufacturers in Seville, with 10 years of experience.

What problems or needs do you cover?
If you need a piece of furniture to be able to raise your whole family on top and at the same time surprise your friends with their elegance, we are what you are looking for.

Our furniture can combine design and robustness using wood and combined metal to last. Furniture with wide wood, solid, thick profiles. Resistant Minimalist and modern design.

Being manufacturers we have the best price and the best materials. Directly without intermediaries.

Proper project
We focus on wood and metal and unique measures in the market. Unique products for their quality and at a price that surprises.

Final Action
If this is what you are looking for, go to our website: