ByComercial is not an e-commerce of products. In other words, it is not a directory of products to sell specific or generic. It is a tool for use in the cloud (SaaS) that allows you to upload and subsequently sell your own products through different channels, or manage your Dropshipping system linked to third-party producers.

-We do not control your sales, so we do not use your success to create alternative channels. If you contract the dropshipping with the platform that sells your products you are anchored to your system in all aspects.
-You are a producer of your own products, and you want to start selling without investing too much, ByComercial allows you to have a simple and scalable tool.
-Your sales system is combined: online and direct sales. You have your online store and virtual catalogs for commercials.
-I have products from several different suppliers. Suppliers’ platforms usually do not allow you to integrate with external products and less if they are products of the same type, and that compete with each other.

ByComercial is designed to:

– Wholesale
-Minorists in need of an online store
– Entrepreneurs who need an online store
– Those companies that sell by catalog
-Autonomists who want extra income.

Consult with us how you can improve and undertake.